File Menu in Google Data Studio

Under the File menu, you will find the report label setting applies to all pages/charts or activate a feature, e.g. Enable publishing setting or Embedding.

File Menu in Google Data Studio
File Menu in Google Data Studio

File Menu


To share Google Data Studio, click on the Share Button or Arrow within the Share button. It's located in the top right corner or Uses the File > Share menu option to invite other people to view or edit your report. A detailed explanation here

Theme and layout

You can use this to select a preferred design for your reports using predefined color schemes. There are 21 predefined themes available, and as Google describe, the color schemes of these themes are set in a way that is attractive and suitable for colour-blind users. A detailed explanation here

Report settings

Report settings allow you to configure report level properties for your report. A detailed explanation here

Version history

Version history lets you view and restore previous versions of a report or data source. A detailed explanation here

Publishing settings > Turn on manual publishing

Manual Publishing active the draft version setting, so you work on the draft version while viewers are viewing the published report. A detailed explanation here

New report

To start building a new report, this will open in a new tab

Make a copy...

To make a copy of your open report

Download as > PDF

Use this option to save your report in PDF format for offline access. A detailed explanation here

Embed report > Enable embedding

Use the embedding function to showcase your best data studio dashboard on your website or blog, and it will be working as a regular dashboard and can access most of the view mode functions. A detailed explanation here

    • Embed code: iframe where you can set the custom Width and Height

      • Width (px)

      • Height (px)

    • Embed URL: URL based embedding

Enjoy reading the guide? I have explained every chart available in the new Data Studio Book here. Visual explanations for graphs configurations, style, format, and recommendations. So you can also see how the final result will look and why one design is better than others for the same chart.